-Update August 2nd-
Well, the cd is almost finished!
Only need to finish up two songs, which one of them is with Sci-Fi, and I only need about 2-3 skits to call it done, but I think I am going to get as much material as I can on it, before I call it finished!
Thanks to everyone for helping and contributing, and a big middle finger to everyone hating on the project :)
New domain! I now own icycrew.com!
Is that sweet or is that sweet? :D
-Update July 23rd!-
Buying my own domain!
The Dirty Ice page will be moved soon!
Thanks to everyone involved in the project!
Big love!
-Update 21st July-
Well, I got a lot of people involved, and I'm amazed! Thanks everyone!
I just got the first lines from sapphire2611
She did a great job!
Still writing skits and songs, so it's never to late to join! :)
You got lyrics and want to rap with me? Send me a pm!
Got a beat? Send that too.
This is going to be great! :)
-Update 14th july-
Holy crap! I have enough people wanting to be in the project that I could coach them as a soccer team!
Big thanks to everyone that's participating, it's overwhelming!
I'mma write a list of people involved, as soon as I get enough material to count them in :)
Keep your eyes open!
Also, thanks to everyone signing up at my forum and posting, means alot!
Forum, sign up, why don't ya!.
Oh, and Eric Sullivan kicks ass!
The funniest author on newgrounds!
yeah, I'm planning a cd, an EP this year.
It's basicly gonna be like 6-7 of tracks I've made/gonna record.
And since I know some of you here on newgrounds like to show off your skills,
I'm looking for backup singers, mixers, people that can play instruments and shit.
People that want to collab, yeah the whole package.
People than want to make skits are welcome too!
So if you can speak, sing, drum, wail, scream, cry, laugh and want to be invovled.
Leave a comment, or send me a PM!
So if you like rap, or just want to contribute, leave a comment.
I can't offer nothing more than a good time, but that's reward enough, haha.
I'm not expecting a whole damn group of people rushing to be in it, but there's maybe 1-2 people that would like to be involved, so I'm checking.
Oldlyshapedchris will be involved, for sure, since he's my main dawg ;)
So if you like my tracks (doubtful) like rap, want to be a part of a minor music project, leave a comment and we'll work shit out.
Thanks for reading!
(Oh, and the record front looks like shit, becuz it had to be fit to be here in the window, the real deal is MUCH nicer)
Ill help. I am a voice actor and also can sing a little.
Ah great!
So you want to do skits, sing a little on a song, or what? :)