If I'm similar to anybody/thing, it most be your father, intoxicated, riding a tricycle.

Age 31, Male

Animator, rapper.

Sweden, Skåne

Joined on 8/16/07

Exp Points:
8,182 / 8,700
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.93 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - September 1st, 2009

Damn man!
Just got the mastered song that I did with Sci-Fi, he's a fucking genious!
Such a beautiful and great song!

And 8 people have pre-ordered the EP!
Thanks everyone, and MUCH LOVE to everyone involved in the project and everyone supporting me!


Hell fucking yes!

The EP is going to be about 30 minutes in length!
A big shoutout to everyone involved in helping me complete the cd!

Now, everyone that sees this should buy this CD!

Complete sh!t ep website
You can order it from the site.
We only accept paypal!

On the contrary, I got 2-3 music projects in the making, and one of them is the Dirty Ice halloween mixtape, the other one is my humourous murder rap crew Music Massacre's debute album!
We're soon to be 4 members, including myself (Mr Honkey) Chris T (Remotemind, AKA Toasterlegs AKA OSC) and two others, that I won't mention this early in the project!

The third album will be a surprise, so yeah!
If you're a musician/voice actor/DJ/rapper,
PM me or post a reply here if you want to collaborate!

Peace out!

Hell yeah! /Music project update

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - August 11th, 2009

Update August 27th
A little freestyle

Haha, you say you wanna beef?
I got no problem with smacking out teeth
So c'mon, spit your shit or shut up
After you spit, let me break your rhymes the fuck up
You really think you can handle a twisted freak
I'll slit up your gut, so your stomach fluids leak
I don't mack dad, and you sure are no pimp
When I break your leg, you'll have your mack daddy limp
I'm a bit fucking lame today, I admit
But your beats and rap still sound like shit
I'm still bringing the heavy fire, watch where you stand
Cuz I will spit flames at an artist or band
You can bring your whole crew, steady mobbing
That won't change the fact that your mom is steady rubbing
Down men
So do your thing and then
Let me break you again

Yeah dude, you like to rap on a beat?
I like to beat down people that I meet
You like to roll with thugs in a car?
I like to slit throats and leave a scar

You see, me against you, that's a tough one mate
It's like I'm having sex and you still masturbate
I'm the damn rapper, you're the groupie
Even if I leave, you'll act like you knew me
And when I'm pushing out tapes, you'll want to be on them
Bitch you can suck a dick, and wipe your mouth with the condom


Well, the EP is soon-to-be finished :)

/* */
After I've finished it, I'm planning on making a free halloween mixtape, which is basicly gonna sound the same, only with different beats, more retarded lyrics and pure freshness ;)

I'm trying to finish two animations, the new drug man episode (6.. I think) and a special new cartoon.
I'm just a lazy bastard.

Much Love to everyone that's been supportive, and to everyone involved in the EP!
Much props!

Just because the EP is soon finished, does not mean that I don't accept people wanting to keep on contributing with voices and stuff!
I still want that.

I am going to keep making mixtapes and EPs, so if you feel like being a part of it, comment or PM ;)

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - July 9th, 2009

-Update August 2nd-
Well, the cd is almost finished!
Only need to finish up two songs, which one of them is with Sci-Fi, and I only need about 2-3 skits to call it done, but I think I am going to get as much material as I can on it, before I call it finished!

Thanks to everyone for helping and contributing, and a big middle finger to everyone hating on the project :)



New domain! I now own icycrew.com!
Is that sweet or is that sweet? :D

-Update July 23rd!-
Buying my own domain!
The Dirty Ice page will be moved soon!

Thanks to everyone involved in the project!
Big love!

-Update 21st July-
Well, I got a lot of people involved, and I'm amazed! Thanks everyone!

I just got the first lines from sapphire2611
She did a great job!

Still writing skits and songs, so it's never to late to join! :)
You got lyrics and want to rap with me? Send me a pm!
Got a beat? Send that too.

This is going to be great! :)


-Update 14th july-
Holy crap! I have enough people wanting to be in the project that I could coach them as a soccer team!
Big thanks to everyone that's participating, it's overwhelming!

I'mma write a list of people involved, as soon as I get enough material to count them in :)
Keep your eyes open!

Also, thanks to everyone signing up at my forum and posting, means alot!
Forum, sign up, why don't ya!.

Oh, and Eric Sullivan kicks ass!
The funniest author on newgrounds!



yeah, I'm planning a cd, an EP this year.
It's basicly gonna be like 6-7 of tracks I've made/gonna record.

And since I know some of you here on newgrounds like to show off your skills,
I'm looking for backup singers, mixers, people that can play instruments and shit.
People that want to collab, yeah the whole package.
People than want to make skits are welcome too!
So if you can speak, sing, drum, wail, scream, cry, laugh and want to be invovled.
Leave a comment, or send me a PM!

So if you like rap, or just want to contribute, leave a comment.
I can't offer nothing more than a good time, but that's reward enough, haha.

I'm not expecting a whole damn group of people rushing to be in it, but there's maybe 1-2 people that would like to be involved, so I'm checking.

Oldlyshapedchris will be involved, for sure, since he's my main dawg ;)
So if you like my tracks (doubtful) like rap, want to be a part of a minor music project, leave a comment and we'll work shit out.

Thanks for reading!

(Oh, and the record front looks like shit, becuz it had to be fit to be here in the window, the real deal is MUCH nicer)

Want To Be Involved In A Music Project?

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - July 2nd, 2009

Sup all you ICYCREW fans.. HAHAHA (like I got any)
I just uploaded two new tracks (what mod granted me permission to upload my shitty tracks? xD)
Give them a lesson, and I know you all is gonna be on my jock after you hear how skilled I am on the mic (Like I believe it)

Just give them a listen and love it!

(The) Kid Jacked The Car

Wail On Them


Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - June 23rd, 2009

Well, I've been writing a little lyrics in my posts, and most have been pretty well concieved.

I'm thinking of making a few tracks, and if anybody would like to be involved, comment what you can contribute.

I'm not sure if it's gonna be a compilation album, which skits, songs, and random noises.

I'm not saying it's gonna be great, I'm not even gonna say that it's gonna be good.
All I'm gonna say is that it's going to be a laugh riot to do, and I hope it could turn into something people could enjoy!

Let me know if you're interested!


Well, I made this song about the newgrounds community, or... it's not a song, it's lyrics to it.
I may make one, that's likely to blow but..
Go suck a click if you don't like it :D


The fuck you wanna know about the newgrounds set?

I bet you wanna know how the function, I bet

Well the truth is, we don't

We never leave shit alone

Like trolls playing rapists, and people keep faking it

A guy opens up his heart and we keep breaking it

You can't take it? Shit, you don't have to register

But if you do, stop acting like such a sorry mister

You aint shit if you aint won awards,

Created the site or played with Tom Fulp's balls

I can't even begin to express how we do it

The only thing I know is that you can go and screw it

Cuz we don't give a fuck if you go over to some other site

All other sites is just a newgrounds style bite

You feel like you deserve daily first?

You're much likely to catch alien hominid when he bursts

His laser machine gun

Yo what the fuck have we done?

We only said what we thought about your shitty ass flash, son

You keep crying, your career keeps dying

And soon you'll be another motherphukker out there lying

"I'm a big hit on newgrounds, I'm in the dog pound"

Stealing flash videos and putting them on youtube

You better know how we do

Nobody started off as the supplier of Stampers lube

We all try to fit in, by trolling and haxxing

If already know the answer, then why are you asking?

Stay true to you

Cuz the only thing we will do

Is treat you like we treat dogshit, too

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - May 3rd, 2009

A song, dedicated to torrentz

Bitlord, Piratebay, act like you know

You really want us to pay 2 dollars ninety fou'

For a single track, that's likely to blow?

Fuck that, I don't download legally

There's millions of muthaphukkas who agree with me

I'm a lower middleclass kid, I'm not loaded

I can't afford buying the new games, like CS reloaded

I download all those games for free

And these bitchass people want to charge me a fee?

I don't play like that

I'll never pay that back

You can sue me, blow me, kiss my sack

I'm not saying that people shouldn't pay for shit

But 80 dollars is much for an improved nintendo bit

And all these cops hunting down the tracker suppliers

While the hunt for molesters is just carwindow flyers

You say we all gotta follow the rules and shit

There's a difference between downloading a song and raping a kid

So you can call us criminals and fine us for billions

While pedophiles spread pics to thousands and millions

You hate on torrentz, but that makes us hate you too

So what if these companies loose a couple of mills, boo-hoo

Yeah so since I haven't gotten back my animation vibe yet, I won't be animating anything soon.

I will help oldlyshapedchris with his projects, and I'll be focusing on my music and life.

Hope you all will continue to contribute to ng!

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - March 28th, 2009

Haha, soon april 1st!
UCreate will host some special things then, so make sure you check the site out! :)

Taking a break (yet again) from animating, to concentrate on school, my "music" and website programming.

UCreate is coming alone great, new gadgets, new comment system, looking very nice, along with new ads (sorry ;D) but.. yeah :)

Showing some love to people on NG that's real and cool.

Check their profiles out and stuff. :)

Yeah, you got something to say, say it :)


Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - March 22nd, 2009

update - march 27..
Oh, goodie...
Now the highest is 4.30...
THANKS, whoever you are that votes down the score of my flashes... thanks...

Ok, so comment, maybe?
C'mon, you're making me feel like a dumb loser at a party :O

No but seriously, comment on this attention-dry post and my smile will be wide and true... (What?)

Sup, people?

So I've made Oldlyshapedchris a website http://oldlyshapedchris.forumotion.com /OSC-h1.htm check it out, press the ads, make us some money, yeah.

UCreate is going awesome!
We recieve some minor donations, so just keep em coming! :D
We're gonna have som ucreate exclusives, made by oldlyshapedchris, for the site, so it's boss!

If you have some work you'd like put up on a different website than newgrounds, pm me your work, it can be flash, music, pictures, art. Just upload it to spamtheweb.com and I'll put it up on UCreate.

I've purchased a tablet, and ordered some stuff from the newgrounds store, since I have no loose money whatsover, I had to use my life savings, but you only live once, right?

Oldlyshapedchris' bigheads 3 is going to be awesome!
We're gonna work together on this one, I'll help with ideas and shit and he'll work his ass off, animating it, so yeah.. it's gonna be cool.

You got something to say? Spray it.
And don't forget to add me as your fav author, (I'm kinda low on fans)
Have a great one!


Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - March 14th, 2009

Whoever it is, that votes down my movies like every day, STOP it, it's been submitted some time ago, it can't win awards, let me have something!
Just because you're pissed off at me, don't mean you can be a bitch and vote own my movie's score.

Well UCreate's coming along great!
Thanks everyone that participates and helped me expand and update the site! Much love!
Check it out if you haven't already;) UCreate

March 14th
Ok, so Oldlyshapedchris
has released a new flash! Big heads episode 2, (Me and some other guy were also in it ^^) check it, rate it, review it! Big Heads

On other news, my flashes seem to be short in reviews and views, if you could check my stuff out it would be great! And if you seem to enjoy them, add me as favourite author (it always cheers me up)

So yeah, still waiting for more comments on my posts to... ;) *sigh*

Have a great one!

Posted by ICYCREWPRODUCTIONS - March 6th, 2009

Update March 14th
Ok, so Oldlyshapedchris
has released a new flash! Big heads episode 2, (Me and some other guy were also in it ^^) check it, rate it, review it! Big Heads

On other news, my flashes seem to be short in reviews and views, if you could check my stuff out it would be great! And if you seem to enjoy them, add me as favourite author (it always cheers me up)

So yeah, still waiting for more comments.... ;)


UCreate update, you can now review and rate, most of the flashes and you can reply to admin posts :)

Well UCreate's coming along great!
Thanks everyone that participates and helped me expand and update the site! Much love!

UCreate staff Chuck made a flash, for his crew "Salmon Hats", check it out on the site, he also made a forum for the crew, check it out! Salmon Hats Forum
Really screwed up! :D

Oldlyshapedchris, my homie, got his "big heads" episode featured in Tom's latest post, congratz on that!
have chosen his finalists in his pimp contest, make sure you check them out!

School's going good, yeah things are starting to come together fine, and with Chris' new big heads episode, that some award winners are a part off, it looks like his career is going to take a big step!
But let's face it, it's all about the teamwork, so we should all feel honored if big heads win an award!

Have a great day!